Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Long time, no post and Semana Santa update

To the many thousands of you who follow my blog I have been derelict in my duty of keeping you up to date on my life in Spain. It was just last week that I got a new camera to replace my old one that met its end in Morocco. Alas, it had been months since I had taken pictures with my own camera and as a result had not added new ones here.

For Semana Santa (Holy Week) I am grabbing my bike and heading up north. Starting in Pamplona, I hope to take a quick jaunt west and dip into the French Pyrenees before crossing back into Spain. Working my way west, I'll be hostel jumping as I go. I'll take in some of the coastal cities before heading south to Picos de Europa National Park. It has a few good hiking routes. After a night or two there I plan to head south to Leon or west to Oviedo to catch a bus back here. Depending on my schedule I probably will get back to Andujar in time to see some of the lovely processions whose participants have practiced on the local street for months.

You can checkout my my rough itinerary on this Google map.


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